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Your spotlight on local services

Understanding Women’s Reproductive Health: A Call to Share your Experiences


Women’s reproductive health is a cornerstone of overall well-being, impacting not only individuals but also families, communities, and society at large. In the UK, 51% of the population and 47% of workers are women, underlining the significance of addressing their diverse health needs. For this, we are spearheading an initiative to assess and improve the quality and accessibility of reproductive and sexual health services for women.

Understanding Women’s Reproductive Health:

Women’s reproductive health encompasses the various stages of a woman’s life, from puberty through menopause and beyond. It involves the well-being of organs such as ovaries and hormone-producing glands. Reproductive health not only affects women’s general well-being but also influences families, communities, and larger society[1].

Additionally, access to contraceptive services has decreased, figures revealed a disparity between the most and least deprived groups nationally, with the rates at 36.6 and 53.7 respectively – a gap of 17.1 per 1,000 women.[2]

The Scope of the Project:

The project's overarching goal is to delve into women's experiences in Barking and Dagenham regarding reproductive and sexual health services. With women representing a significant portion of the community, ensuring their needs are met is vital.

Objectives of the Project:

The project aims to:

  1. Assess the accessibility and quality of reproductive and sexual health services available to women in the community.
  2. Amplify the voices and experiences of women, ensuring their concerns are heard by decision-makers.
  3. Provide recommendations for improving reproductive health services to better meet the needs of women in Barking and Dagenham.

Your Voice Matters:

As part of this initiative, we invite women to share their experiences through a comprehensive survey. This survey covers various aspects of reproductive and sexual health, including:

  • Experiences with accessing medical support
  • Satisfaction levels with healthcare interactions
  • Impact of health issues on daily life and work
  • Perceptions of healthcare professionals’ responsiveness
  • Barriers faced in accessing healthcare services


In prioritizing women’s reproductive health, we underscore the importance of inclusive, accessible, and high-quality healthcare services. By amplifying the voices of women and advocating for change, this initiative seeks to create a healthier and more supportive environment for women in the community.

Your participation in this survey is invaluable in shaping the future of women’s reproductive health services. Together, we can work towards a healthier, more equitable future for all. Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 298 5331 or email us at info@healthwatchbarkinganddagenham.co.uk to share your experiences.



[1] Women’s reproductive health programme: Progress, products and next steps (no date) GOV.UK. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/phe-womens-reproductive-health-programme-2020-to-2021/womens-reproductive-health-programme-progress-products-and-next-steps


[2] Proportion of women in barking and Dagenham on contraception rose by a tenth following pandemic (2024) LondonWorld. Available at: https://www.londonworld.com/your-london/barking-and-dagenham/proportion-of-women-in-barking-and-dagenham-on-contraception-rose-by-a-tenth-following-pandemic-4530636


Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS