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Your spotlight on local services

Enter and View

Enter & View is carried out under Section 221 of the Health & Social Care Act 2012. It imposes duties on certain health and social care providers to allow authorised representatives of local Healthwatch organisations to enter premises and carry out observations for the purposes of Healthwatch activity.

Healthwatch can enter certain health and social care premises to view the care being provided.  This includes premises such as hospitals, care homes and doctors surgeries etc.

Enter and Views can be announced or unannounced.

During the visit Authorised Representatives observe and speak to service users about their experiences of the visited home or ward in order to collect evidence of the quality and standard of the services being provided. We also speak to staff and relatives.

The next step is to write a report which gives an authoritative, evidenced based feedback to organisations responsible for delivering and commissioning services. Those responsible for the service are expected by law to respond back in 21 working days. The reports are then made public.

Five Elms GP Practice

Date of Visit: 16/07/2018
Date Published: 03/09/2018

The purpose of the visit was to observe and engage with patients who access the services at Five Elms Medical Practice.
The main areas looked at were: Access to services Care and treatment Staff conduct

The findings showed that although the surgery had difficulties, patients acknowledged that some improvements had been made in recent months.
However, there were  areas of concern which have been highlighted within the report. 

Tulasi Gp Practice Enter and View

Date of Visit: 11/06/2018
Date Published: 17/09/2018

Cherry Orchard Nursing Home

Date of Visit: 15/01/2018
Date Published: 11/05/2018

This visit was undertaken as a direct result of feedback received from individuals from the local area who knew people using this service.
The following areas were highlighted:
• Some residents not being changed quickly enough after soiling themselves – concerns about dignity.
• Residents often left to sit in an area with a TV on without any personalised activity to stimulate them.
• Availability of staff to support and respond to the needs of residents in a timely way.

Grove Surgery

Date of Visit: 17/11/2017
Date Published: 18/01/2018

This was an unannounced visit that was undertaken as a consequence of feedback and concerns raised about services at this GP surgery.      

Feedback received included:                                                                                                                                  

• Waiting times for a doctor's appointment could be up to 4 weeks.
• The consultation with the doctor was rushed and not long enough.
• Reports of rude, unprofessional behaviour from reception staff.

Oncology Department / Radiotherapy

Date of Visit: 18/09/2017
Date Published: 21/12/2017

This visit was undertaken as a direct result of feedback from the local community. Overall the visit was postive with some areas of improvements. The hospital trust have welcomed the findings and have provided an action plan to deal with the areas highlighted. 


Mandarine A Ward

Date of Visit: 16/09/2016
Date Published: 01/01/2017


Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham
Lifeline House
25 Neville Road
Dagenham, Essex RM8 3QS